Improve security and customer journey in stations and airports thanks to the LabsMove Passenger Flow Management system

The irregular passengers’ flow in stations, bus stations and airports is one of the major problems in terms of safety and customer satisfaction.

Passenger Flow Management is the solution that ensures better management of passenger flow. Knowing how passengers move to avoid the formation of dangerous gatherings in various areas of airports or stations is therefore essential to improve management of services, safety and, last but not least, customer experience.

LabsMove, exploiting passengers’ mobile devices, is able to generate maps for the representation of density, stay time and flows, as well as collecting very useful datas for those who manage the commercial areas of ​​airports and stations, because they allow us to understand which areas are most frequented, in order to enhance and better exploit commercial spaces.

LabsMove is the easy-to-use, flexible and reliable Passenger Flow Management solution already adopted by major international airports.

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